
The ultimate guide to surviving Christmas shopping

Tuesday 21st November 2017 | Grace

With only a few weeks to go until Christmas and with payday just around the corner, it is that time of year again to spend money you don’t have on the ones you love the most.

But with the joy of getting drunk at 2 pm and eating until your belly button pops out, comes the build-up, and that means experiencing the hell on earth that is Christmas shopping. But alas, there are ways around fighting through the crowds and listening to Michael ‘smarmy-faced’ Buble on repeat until your ears bleed, and this is the survival guide to help you have a holly jolly Christmas shopping experience.

Buy all your gifts online

Image result for christmas shopping fighting

This is an excellent way to stay at home, all snug and warm whilst everyone else is fighting to the death to get that last novelty Christmas jumper that will be worn one day a year.

Get all your gifts in the January sales for the year ahead

This may involve a lot of pre-planning but would be totally worth it to get not only a cheaper shopping experience but a quieter one too. Although, this advice may be a little too late for Christmas 2017.

Irish up your coffee, everything’s more fun when you are drunk

Cleverly disguise that alcoholic beverage as a normal cup of Joe and no-one will ever know the difference when shopping. Except perhaps on Christmas day when people open their gifts and realise a cheese grater that you thought resembled a dinosaur was perhaps a bit of an odd gift for your 6- year -old niece.

Do a secret Santa

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This is not just a game for the office. Buying a gift for one person makes life so much easier and only takes one trip into hell, I mean town.

Grin and bear it

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Sometimes you’ve just gotta do what you’ve gotta do.

But most of all, enjoy it. After all, it is Christmas and part of the fun is going around all the shops and buying gifts in a mad rush just to make sure they get something. But it is all worth it to see the smiles on granny and grandad’s little faces.