None of Your Business: Behind the Brands
It’s clear that we cannot know everything about the products that we buy. Nor can we afford to buy 100% organic all the time, but we can try to make informed decisions for the benefit of our health and the places we live.
Making A Killing - Tesco
Many companies have taken their lead from U.S supermarket giant Walmart, where you can buy everything from groceries to guns, but none has been more successful in destroying our independent businesses and high street diversity than Tesco, from aggressive supplier practices (the supermarket regulator found that Tesco "knowingly delayed paying money to suppliers in order to improve its own financial position") to buying land to prevent other businesses developing in areas around Tesco stores. They care about ‘helping’ the consumer as long as that doesn’t get in the way of profits. We understand that they offer the best value on your groceries, but at what cost to the market in general? Support local independent businesses when you can.
Making a Difference – Oatly
Apart from the obligatory humorous text on the carton, its oat milk is a health conscious and ecologically-aware alternative to the milk industry, as more studies are produced that show the destructiveness that dairy farming is doing to our planet.
Oatly understands that we can’t be perfect consumers, at a business or consumer level, but that we can consider our impact. Read their FAQs for some compelling arguments about Palm Oil and the necessity to use high-yield crops, for example "If all the food producers around the world who are aware of palm oil issues were to stop using palm oil, all the efforts to build sustainable production would also end", but also the importance of making conscious and informed decisions for the good of the planet.