Kenzie Smith, man 'BBQ Becky' called cops on is running for Oakland City Council
Tuesday 17th July 2018 | Jake
Kenzie Smith, the now infamous target of ‘BBQ Becky’s’ ire has launched himself into the world of politics, pledging to fight racism should he land himself a place on the Oakland City Council.
One of the many BBQ Becky memes
According to the East Bay, Citizen Smith will be running for the City Council’s District 2 seat, currently held by Abel Guillén. Smith was prompted to run for office at the Youth Awards fundraiser when a group of young people informed him they would vote for him if he ran. Although initially reluctant, Smith told Dope Era Magazine that “if this is what will get them [young people] out there to vote, then I have to run.”
As well as competing with the incumbent, Guillén, Smith faces strong competition from Nikki Bas Fortunato, the housing activist who has amassed $43,000 in donations after only two months of campaigning.
Smith may well be courting support and headlines now in an effort to boost his profile, but his first brush with the limelight wasn’t exactly sought out. Attempting to have a family barbecue back in April, the Smith family had the police called on them by Jennifer Schulte – remembered virally as ‘BBQ Becky’ the meme sensation – because they had been using a charcoal grill in a local park.
Watch the original BBQ Becky video below: