London speaks: the Trump protest
On Friday 13th July, 250,000 people hit the streets of London to protest Trump's first visit to the UK. The day started in Parliament Square where the much publicised, Baby Trump "blimp" was flying until 11:30am followed by a day of marches to show the US president a very British welcome.
Ahead of his visit, Mr. Trump declared in Brussels that, "I think they like me a lot in the U.K." On Friday, hundreds of thousands of people turned up to prove him wrong.
We've put together a few of our favourite signs and placards from the day's events. Welcome to London!
Not Fake News
Please just stop being a dick
All Facists fall.

A very British sign

Wotsit Hitler
You appal us
The worst punishment anyone can wish upon you... To be stuck on the central line in rush hour.

Even the balloons are getting in on the action!

When I think of you,
I can't recall how it feels,
To like somebody.