Happy Birthday, Casey Veggies!
RnB/Hip Hop | Thursday 18th July 2013 | Natasha
He took a couple chances now life is gorgeous! Former member of OFWGKTA, Casey Veggies celebrates his 20th birthday today. Veggies decided to create his own path and follow his own dreams and in doing so gave us one of the most loved mixtapes of 2013, Life Changes. With a number of mixtapes already under his belt and at only 20 years old I have no doubt Casey will not only continue to grow but provide us with even more hip hop favourites.
Life Changes is full to the brim with addictive tracks, ‘Take my Life’ ‘Life Changes’ and ‘She in my Car’ produced by DJ Dahi are among my most replayed tracks this year. With only a couple of features from Dom Kennedy and BJ The Chicago Kid, Casey’s cool charisma is all that is needed to carry the listener from the beginning to end.
We gain insight into the life of (now) 20 year old Veggies from California; holding on to hip hop with both hands and fulfilling his dream. His passion is evident and his talent, undeniable. The mixtape is a small slice of what his future holds. Happy Birthday, Casey Veggies!
Listen to the mixtape here: http://www.datpiff.com/Casey-Veggies-Life-Changes-mixtape.443452.html
Natasha Artwell