Second cinema opens in Saudi Arabia
Although the country still has a long way to go before becoming a democracy, Saudi Arabia just inched a little further in the right direction by opening its second cinema after a 35-year ban.
Located in the shopping and entertainment centre known as Riyadh Park in the capital city of Riyadh, the four screen Vox Cinema multiple is currently screening the acclaimed Marvel superhero film Black Panther, which has currently grossed a worldwide total of $13 billion.
Cinemas were originally banned in Saudi Arabia back in the early 1980s because it was felt that they went against the beliefs and values of the country’s conservative religious government. The ban was lifted at the end of last year, and more cinemas are expected to begin opening across the country in the coming months. And things won’t be slowing down anytime soon, as there are plans for over six-hundred movie theatres to be in operation throughout the country over the next five years.
And whilst films being shown in Saudi cinemas will still be censored in accordance with the country’s conservative religious principles, this is unquestionably a positive move for a country that only just allowed women to drive. If you happen to ever be in Riyadh, you can check the showtimes at the newly opened cinema here.