Grab a snappy Polaroid today!
Other | Wednesday 17th July 2013 | Marianna
The Cameras of Today
We all know how important technology is in the 21st century, especially cameras and phones. Photos are the living representation of your life, going from your first day at University, to your graduation day, to your first love. What would we do without cameras?
With companies such as Sony, Panasonic, Nikon and Canon releasing high end digital cameras every month, it can get rather tedious. Three years ago 12 megapixels was a shocker, with prices going as high as £500, but now all we think is ’12? Pffft, I want 32!’.
Well sorry if you do want 32 megapixels in your new camera, because these do not. However, they do offer something in return. Polaroid’s Z340 and Z2300 are the updated version of the instant camera that prints every picture that you take, even those ridiculous ones were your eyes are half shut. Both are intelligently designed, sleek, sharp and in your face.
The Z340 has a 14 megapixel sensor and a rotating digital screen for your editing needs. Change your filter, crop, relight, and print all in 2 minutes. It comes at around £160, so even if it isn’t the cheapest camera on the market, it will definitely produce high quality pictures, and when I say ‘produce’, I say it literally. The Z2300 is a more compact camera, only £10 cheaper. It also prints and edits, however it only has 10 megapixels in comparison to the 14 in the Z340.
I can without a doubt say that both these cameras are amazing, and so easy to use. Take them anywhere, capture unforgettable moments in your life and then print or send to your PC, choose whichever!
These are the ‘ultimate social media machines’, so go get one and capture your summer.
Written by Marianna M.