Who you gonna call? 1-800-ECO-LAZY!
Friday 5th May 2017 | Grace
It’s high time that we all put more effort into being lazy. Lazy eco that is!
After it was revealed last month that H&M will aim to use 100% sustainably sourced and recycled materials by 2030 (cue the montage of green-loving fashionistas high-fiving around the world), their sister company, Monki, has launched a campaign encouraging their customers on how to love fashion and be eco-friendly.
The London-based company has even made a cute but highly effective video called 1-800-LAZY-ECO on how to have a better environmental impact. The short film also has a subtle message encouraging viewers to not buy fur. The campaign goes by the name of 'Monki Cares' and gives tips such as not washing clothes so much and upcycling old clothes.
Like a inspirational older sister, H&M have changed their ways and set the pace as they have decided to focus on the growing problem of fast fashion, that they were undoubtedly becoming a huge part of.
They have even gone as far as to promise that they will be more climate positive, through choices such as switching to green energy by 2040 and they will even be working out fairer wages for workers too.
This feels like the moment in films where one person gets up and starts the slow clap and eventually everyone else follows. Let’s just hope that other fashion brands will follow in their steps, bringing us even more closer to a future where instead of wallowing through piles of discarded clothes, we are all complementing each other on our amazing recycled outfits.