7 Essentials For Daytime Partying In London
Now that their regular series at EGG is underway and getting the whole of London talking, Ritual are back this Saturday for their second afternoon session at EGG London. Headlining will be be ANTS resident Andrea Oliva for a rare London gig along with Circus Recordings favourite, Kydus. We catch up with the minds behind London’s most exotic day party to see what it takes to put on a successful daytime affair in the city…
- Changing mindsets of regular clubbers can be difficult. When you’re on holiday the idea of hitting a day party is a no-brainer. When you want people to come and party on a Saturday afternoon in London, especially when the weather is a bit suspect, it takes a bit more prodding and you have to approach the promo from a slightly different angle.
- We wanted to offer a fresh alternative to the three day bender - not that we are against that… Far from it. We're both DJs so we've had more than our fair share of benders over the past ten years. Increasingly we actually enjoy being up early and working on the show. It also makes a change to be finished in time to have a night out at the weekend, when we would normally be DJing. I know a lot of people that feel the same as well, so while there’s definitely still a place in my heart for going on a viking 72 hour uprising, I’m enjoying day-raving more and more and it’s been great to have such a cool friendly crowd at our parties from early afternoon all the way till dark

- It’s also cool to give people different options for how to spend their weekends, you can have a full day of getting loose with us and still have time to go for dinner, watch a movie at home or, if you’ve got the minerals, head on to another party somewhere.
- When you have a night out planned, for the majority it’s after a day if not a week of work. People are so ready to cut loose that no one paces themselves anymore. The first few hours at one of our events have that feel of being more of a social gathering. It's a nice entry point for the weekend and a more relaxed start to a day of raving. As such we like to tweak the amenities to suit it being daylight hours. We generally serve some canapés, fresh fruit, ice pops as well as a drinks reception on arrival, the main star of which is our patented jungle juice; a cocktail full of fresh ingredients that sorts you out before you’ve even got messy and provides some nutrients to take the edge off your hangover in the morning. Obviously you can still get brunch or a burger from the kitchen, but it’s good to have the choice.
- Sounds obvious but make sure people know it’s a DAY party. The amount of messages we’ve had the day before a party saying "I didn’t realise this was a day event, I’ve got work, I can’t make it”.

- The vibe seems generally to be more friendly at a day event if you ask us. Maybe because people haven’t been at work all day they're in less of a rush to go wild. Touch wood we haven’t had any fights at any of our events since we started, in fact we haven’t even had to throw anyone out yet! I’m sure that will change eventually, but even so it’s a nice record to have while it lasts.
- We are a new brand but we have big plans. Being in London the competition is obviously intense. There are a lot of great events that have been around for years. All we try to do is put the music first and foremost, keep consistent, put everything into it and do our best to make each Ritual an amazing experience for the people that attend.
For more info on Ritual present Andrea Oliva head to the event Facebook page.