Why Are We Allowed To Hit The Most Vulnerable Members Of Society?
Other | Wednesday 30th March 2016 | Sabrin
Not many people are willing to own up to hitting their children - it’s one of those social issues that are dealt with a blind eye. Nobody gets in legal trouble for smacking a child (assuming it’s theirs) yet the whole world loves to speak as soon as someone expresses some anti-child-hitting opinion. It’s 2016 and people think it’s weird to be against hitting kids. Where the fuck have we gone wrong?
When a child misbehaves, they might get a smack from mum; that same child sulks in his room and one day at school, hits another child in his class and gets in trouble for it. The parent will get called in and the child is confused because just the other day he got a smack for misbehaving.
Mums will probably try to explain why hitting another child is wrong, but it’s completely pointless because they’ve already hit the child. They’ve already drilled it in the child’s head (whether you agree or not) that physical violence is the answer when someone does something that you don't like. Then we try to tell them not to do it to others? It doesn’t make any sense.
What the fuck is a child going to learn from being hit? What lesson are they going to take away from physical violence? The worst part is that people think that as long as you’re not being overly violent and beating them, a smack or two is okay. But then as soon as that child gets a bit bigger and hits someone else, they get in trouble. How is this child’s tiny brain going to understand what’s going on here?
Physical violence to teach children discipline is just laughable and the highest form of stupidity I can imagine. We’re not living in the dinosaur era – words actually work on humans. When someone annoys us at work or does something that we don’t like, why don’t we just slap them around the face? Why can’t we just deck them the same way that we do to kids and hope that they don’t do it again? We literally hit kids thinking that they’re going to learn something. And then we EXPECT THEM TO LOVE US! Just read it again and again: We choose physical violence over verbal resolution when trying to raise our children.