
Twitter Twatter

Other | Friday 12th February 2016 | Michael

With just 140 characters to work with, Twitter is the perfect platform for witty little observations and comebacks, especially with direct chat with celebrities. Below are the funniest tweets we've been enjoying in the Guestlist office over the last week:



Next time you hear someone complaining about becoming a minority in their country, ask why being a minority is a problem. Food for thought!



Eminem had to deal with problems at the post office too, so no excuses.


Plenty of us say we're broke, but are willing to pay ridiculous amounts a month to play Candy Crush on the tube.


Jet fuel can't melt steel beams, so some people need to get their priorities straight.


Everyone knows why you're on tinder, and the guys you're talking to are not looking for a friendzone!

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