12 Christmas Gifts Men Really Want This Year
Men are notoriously difficult to buy for, often leading to hours battling through the Christmas shoppers, desperately hoping to find a unique gift that they will love. Eventually opting for socks and ties... Again!
This year ditch those useful, yet slightly boring, gifts and give your man something that will really take him by surprise.
Here are 12 Christmas gift ideas for him that he will really want this year, guaranteeing a kiss under the mistletoe in return!
On the first day of Christmas my true love sent to me a partridge in a pear tree… or FIFA 2016 (if you want some serious brownie points this Christmas.) Most men can’t wait to get their hands on each new version - so if he can wait until Christmas, this will be the perfect present. Although you may lose him to it for the foreseeable future!
Two (turtle doves)… Most of us can only dream of owning a Lamborghini - with its six-figure price tag it’s usually reserved for the rich and famous. But, although you may not be able to surprise your man with the car of his dreams, you could make his Christmas by giving him the opportunity to drive one!
Three (french hens)… A magazine subscription is a gift that will keep on giving way past Christmas, in fact right up until the following Christmas. Magazines Direct have a wide variety of titles that men will love – including music, sport and fitness.
Four (calling birds)… Crystal Head Vodka: although slightly more expensive than a supermarket basic, the eye-catching skull-shaped bottle is definitely worth the extra pennies!
Five (golden rings)… He may not wear rings, but you can guarantee he’ll love a new watch! Whether you opt for a smart and stylish designer timepiece or a modern and feature-filled smartwatch, you can guarantee he won’t be late for your next date!
Six (geese a-laying)… Beards are back in fashion! And if your partner has one he may like something to help keep it neat and tidy. A beard grooming kit has everything he could need to soften, moisturise and style his facial hair.
Seven (swans a swimming)… Fill his Christmas with heart-thumping adrenaline-pumping thrills, whether that is swinging through the trees at Go Ape or falling through the sky as he experiences the thrill of skydiving – give him the gift of adventure!
Eight (maids a-milking)… If he loves takeaways and cooking, a ‘Homemade Takeaway’ cookbook is the perfect gift. Not only can you save money by cooking your favourite meals, they will also be far healthier.
Nine (ladies dancing)… Whether his team is Chelsea, Liverpool, Arsenal, Man United or any other – take him to see a different view of the grounds. A tour of the football stadium will allow him a sneaky peek behind the scenes, allowing him to walk in the footsteps of his idols, including through the changing rooms, players’ tunnel and dug outs!
Ten (lords a-leaping)… Get your man a gadget that will make him feel just like James Bond. Whether a secret agent alarm clock or a spy camera pen, he will be very grateful to you, Miss Moneypenny!
Eleven (pipers piping)… Men will love the Sonos Play 1, the wireless Hi-Fi they can control with their smartphone or tablet. Scatter across your house to fill it with Christmas music!
Twelve (drummers drumming)… Whether he is Rod Stewart’s No.1 fan, One Direction are his guilty pleasure or he is currently listening to James Bay on repeat - surprise him with tickets to see his favourite band!