Club Style Tribes: Half Baked Summer Closing at Oval Space
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Tuesday 6th October 2015 | Eva
Music and fashion undeniably two of the biggest influences on the lives of mot people. There always has been and no doubt will always be a close relationship between the two industries. Often, a certain genre, party or scene will have a very discintinctive style.
Guestlist went to the Half Baked Summer Closing party at Oval Space 4th October, to spot the top outfits of the Half Baked movement.
"Making an entrance" seems to be the norm, as it was back in the`80s on the rave scene. Bold prints, statement jewellery, blocks of colour. Longline T-shirts for guys and boyfriend jeans paired with crop-tops for girls, were amongst the favourites teamed together.
Vintage garments are a must-have at East London parties but the appearance of certain brands will still happen on certain accessories, especially the trainers!
The way we dress and the music we listen to are an extension of our self-expression. The music which we listen to will influence the way we dress and behave from the moment we first hear it in life.
We distinguish ourselves from others but still belong to a tribe!
Stay tuned for our monthly Club Fashion Style date.