
PC gamers split about Steam selling mods

Friday 24th April 2015 | Rhea

A troubling issue has arisen recently in the realm of gaming. With Steam being the leading online retailer in PC games, consumers have come to trust them for their sales and general value for money. So when it was announced that the Steam Workshop, which has until now been a playground for modders and players alike, will begin charging for mods, it had gamers worrying about how well this will actually work in the long run.

Despite allowing a 24-hour return period, mods are notoriously known for their instability, especially when combined or during game updates. This means gamers can be stuck with dysfunctional content if modders choose not to keep things updated and have no way to get their money back further down the line. Users on Reddit have already displayed their outrage, having already started a petition to have monetised mods removed from the Steam Workshop for Skyrim. Whether or not Valve decide to go through with this decision is still in the very early stages but gamers have made it clear that they are quite uncomfortable about the idea entirely.