Indie Album Of The Month - Modern Vampires of the City
Tuesday 21st May 2013 | Alex
Everybody knows Vampire Weekend: their self-titled debut spawned mega-single ‘A-Punk’ back in 2008, and prompted a certain type of journalist to dub them the ‘whitest band on the planet’. Modern Vampires of the City demonstrates two things. Firstly, that they’re (probably) not. Secondly, that we should let it slide even if they are.
Two albums deep ‘Vampire Weekend’ surprised me – they managed to dodge the ‘sophomore slump’ and bring out Contra, a joyful and moving follow-up. Modern Vampires of the City then, was sure to be a disappointment? It’s ‘Album of the Month’ because it wasn’t, because it exhibits satisfying maturity.
Lead single ‘Diane Young’ is a standout – it’s a foot-tapper, and what an awesome way to unveil a re-vamped production. This time around they’re a lot less Guitar-y and a lot more synth-y. Modern Vampires wanders from throb, to spring, to depression smoothly and resourcefully, and their enhanced, atmospheric swells accommodate Ezra Koenig’s ultra-white whimper seamlessly.
It’s still a bit posh. Maybe the step away from conventional indie and toward the keyboard helped their image a bit, but Vampire Weekend was massively africanised and didn’t escape criticism. Really, the boys won’t escape their upbringing, but having an album this good makes them cool anyway. Check it out if you’re after a confluence of old, new, and brand new.
Have a listen to the lead single –
Written by Alex Dean - @AlexDean94