Thursday 2nd May 2013 | Adam
Don Johnson Big Band roll out of Finland with enough swag to exterminate their countries entire reindeer population. With that said, they don’t take themselves too seriously harnessing a vibe that falls somewhere in the realms of electronic hip-hop, using more samples, sounds and beat hits than a 1998 Casio keyboard.
Selling mixtapes out the back end of your dads car is kind of a mainstay with respects to hip hop mythology. Around a decade ago these guys were taking extended routes on public transport flogging CD's out of their backpacks and eventually the bags on their backs transformed into what we know as Sony Music.
Living The Life - off their most recent record "Fiesta"
They return from a two year hiatus with their fifth studio album “Fiesta”, which honestly speaking, was a shit load of fun to listen to. It's a clever reminder of just how versatile they are, culminating musical elements of electronica, hiphop, even a little jazz to create an uplifting record that will make you take the rest of your day with a proverbial pinch of salt.
“Fiesta” is a fearless collaboration of experimentation from a band that is renowned for being fun loving artistic junkies. It also hosts group work with friends old and new, from a world famous classical violinist to one of the most talented young beatboxers on the planet.
Regardless of where you are in the world, if you are currently listening to Don Johnson Big Band remember that it's always midnight. And the party's just getting started.
Adam Steer