
Chili Peppers Set to Gig the Dalai Lama's Back Yard

Monday 22nd April 2013 | Adam


For Real? Apparently so. The Red Hot Chili Pepper's have been grooving the worlds of rock and funk since the mid 80's, but id expect they have played few a gig rarer than this.

On May 11th, Chili peppers will be performing for no other than the Dalai Lama at the Veterans Memorial Coliseum in Portland, Oregon.

The Buddhist leader or His Holiness as he likes to be named, will be musically entertained by the band as part of an event meant to “inspire future generations to care for our planet”.....

Whilst pondering that thought, I’ll leave you with one of their classics to remind you of times they use to play gigs for the average folk... instead of religious royalty.




Adam Steer
