I-penguin ?
Monday 18th March 2013 | Suzanne
Penguins and technology, will it blend? Well, at the ‘aquarium of the pacific’ they decided to mix the two by giving the penguins some old I-pads to play around with. Now obviously they wouldn’t just randomly give the penguins any I-pad, naah that would just be crazy. Instead they gave them I-pads loaded with games specifically created for cats. Now, most of you might think that a penguin is quite different from a cat and to those people I have to say, that you’re right. I-pads are not exactly gadgets for penguins and their beaks are not exactly meant to come in contact with them. The results of this little experiment are therefore hilariously cute. It might not be the biggest technology news in the world right now, but hey, penguins and I-pads, what’s there not to enjoy. Before you disagree with me, watch the video of this little experiment first - there is no way you will not enjoy that.
By Suzanne Alblas