
Booty Luv Interview

RnB/Hip Hop | Wednesday 13th February 2013 | Osh

Cherise and Nadia created some waves a few years back with their track ‘Boogie 2nite’, now these beautiful ladies are back and are ready to storm the charts once again with their new sing

So ladies, you’re set to make a huge comeback this year with the new single ‘Black Widow’, tell me a little bit about that you must be really excited?
Very excited!

You just made my day with that line, you made me feel so good about that!
Yeaaaah! Yeah, we are excited to show everyone, y’know, we’re back and this time it’s not going to be in a ‘happy happy party party we’re having a great time! disco balls and glitter!’ way, y’know; we’re angry! We want it off! Haha, nah, we’re not angry. It’s just the darker side of Booty Luv.

How do you think you’ve changed as artists from when you were together before?
The transition of leaving Ministry [of Sound] to us going independent, I think that was a big change; it was a massive change. Creatively, we had a lot more control. The sound change, what we was writing – it was like a big weight off our shoulders to be honest; It’s refreshing to be able to show our true talent and what we were born to do.

You said you thought your sound had changed, in what ways?
I think it’s still Booty Luv, but I think people will be shocked that it’s not uplifting. ‘Cos I think that’s what Booty Luv represents; uplifting dance music that you can let your hair down to on a weekend out. I think you can be that as an artist and then creatively you should be able to express yourself. It’s the compromise between having room to write and express yourself however you want. That’s the most humbling feeling right now. It’s a good feeling, definitely.

Is there any news on an album?
Well…we just spoke to someone who was saying that we’ve got 60-odd songs that we’ve recorded over the years,  so it’s  going back and seeing which ones are good enough. At the moment we’re so focused on ‘Black Widow’ and promoting ‘Black Widow’ and just getting it out there and getting it right and just getting people to listen and stuff like that. When we’re ready we’ve got an album, like, we can just hand pick some tracks and put it together.

Can you tell us a little bit about the track ‘Black Widow’ give us a little story line?
I dunno what to say… we were talking about it earlier and it’s basically based on women in the industry. Some women make it their job, y’know? But there are some women –and probably some men! – that get into relationships and probably aren’t that genuine. They look at the person for what they have, not really who they are. I dunno, I kind of refer to them as black widows. There’s just a good storyline to it, it isn’t typical or similar to what we’ve done before.

Speaking about your music before, you girls absolutely smashed it! Back in, say, 2006/7 with ‘Boogie 2nite’, it was fantastic! I can only describe it as an anthem if anything. How was that time for you?
It was an amazing time! I don’t have any regrets from that time, that era. I enjoyed every minute of it. Y’know the disco balls and glitter and everything it was great, y’know, at that time. There’s a time when you have to move on and, obviously, evolve as an artist. We’ve done so many things, no regrets at all. You can’t say you regret doing the best job in the world!

Cherise you were the youngest person to win a MOBO award, which lead to your first recording, what an achievement to win that!
I was young then! That was a good time, definitely. I am grateful to the MOBO Awards for giving me that opportunity to showcase my talent at that time because I was so young.

And you went on to being in Big Brovaz together, how was your time together in that group?
I think that was the craziest because there was six of us. Yeah, three girls who did not like each other - at all! – and three guys who were just getting on our nerves. We got on with the boys a lot, but boys are boys; they just get on with it. It was still fun for us, but then on a personal level we didn’t really get on. We still did what we had to do, we got our good few hits out there – we did what we had to do!

Obviously some guys don’t but you hit it off really well, you’re a star team. Speaking of star teams, what artists would you like to collaboration with?
James Arthur, just because I love him anyway – he’s wicked! He’s just raw and real and… yeah, him! Or Frank Ocean. He’s magic.

Good! What stuff are you really looking forward to? Festival-wise or have you got any big gigs coming up?
Festivals, in the summer, that’s always good for us. We love doing all the Prides! We definitely want to be at Wireless Festival this year, even it’s just to go and watch everybody else.

Three people, Snog, Marry Avoid…Who would it be?
Oh my gosh! Snog ooh snog! We’ll have to think long and hard about this.

Okay I’ll give you three people and you have to pick! So, James Arthur?

Avoid!.... Or marry then avoid… Marry then divorce then avoid him after. That’s a black widow move right there!

And… Rihanna?
Snog! Or snog then marry than avoid and then go back to her! She is a gorgeous lady!

So, lastly but not least, if you were invisible for a day, what would you do? What cheeky things would you get up to?!
That question is the best question! I’d love to be in. Haha I’m not going to say anything rude! Who’s dressing room would you like to be in? Rihanna’s! Oh hell yeah! I’d like to be in her house. Just to see what she’s like for the day.

Thank you very much ladies for speaking to us!

Keep up to date with Booty Luv at or follow @BootyLuv

Words by Emma Maw