Mark Zuckerberg is watching you…
Tuesday 5th February 2013 | Suzanne
Recently, there has been word about Facebook launching yet another application that is considered to become a threat to the privacy of the general Facebook user. If you are a little bit familiar with Facebook’s history, this is probably not the first time you heard such accusations. Previous Facebook applications such as the Facebook ticker or the connection with Instagram have also been labelled as noisy and a possible violation of privacy. Streams of complaints made it to the public and everyone was worried about whether those drunken holiday pictures or other private matters were now just lying at the fingertips of the general public. This current application has awoken that feeling once again and for a reason. The application that Facebook is going to launch this march will make it a possibility for users to find friends nearby and share your own location with them. It is not difficult to see why this app would scare some people. It could be easily compared with Mark Zuckerberg himself following you, carrying a little black book with him, which contains a record of all your latest whereabouts. Once he’s done noting everything down, he will spend the rest of his time shouting your current location to innocent bystanders. If this app were to be described in this way, it might seem like a ridiculous thing and that is exactly what it is. What needs to be said, however, is that it is an application no one is forcing you to use. So do not give in to the privacy scare too much, just be cautious for now and decide for yourself how much you want to share. Which starts by not uploading those embarrassing pictures of yourself that were made at that party last Saturday.
by Suzanne Alblas