Hollywood Costumes in London!
Monday 22nd October 2012 | Laura
The V&A sartorial display, which started last weekend and will run untill 27th January, includes costumes form movies such as Breakfast at Tifffany's, Indiana Jones or Titanic.
There is a ‘once in a lifetime’ exhibition going on in London for moviegoers, especially for those who share the opinion that costumes are a big part of the character, what gives them personality, and helps to bring them life. As Meryl Streep says: “On every film, the clothes are half the battle in creating the character. I have a great deal of opinion about how my people are presented. We show a great deal by what we put on our bodies”.
Victoria and Albert museum is hosting “Hollywood Costume” which will reunite the most emblematic costumes in 100 years of cinema (1912-2012). The exhibition includes over 100 of the most iconic and unforgettable film characters, from Charles Chaplin’s battered derby to the cutting-edge design for Avatar, the exhibition goes through all ages being a portray not only of film history, but society and fashion itself. The exhibition consists in a three-act gallery journey: “Act 1, Deconstruction, puts us in the shoes of the costume designer and illuminates the process of designing a character from script to screen; Act 2, Dialogue, examines the key collaborative role of the costume designer within the creative team; Act 3, Finale, celebrates the most beloved characters in the history of Hollywood and the ‘silver screen’”.
Probably, one of the pieces that created more expectation, in addition of the Givenchy's costume design for Holly Golightly in Breakfast At Tiffany's, is the pair of ruby red slippers worn by Judy Garland in 1939 classic, the Wizard of Oz. Apparently, as many other pieces, never been displaced, and it will be the first time since the end of the movie-shooting that they will be put together with the dress that characterized Dorothy in the movie, thanks to the loan from the Smithsonian National Museum of American History.
By Laura Vila