Getting High Without The Pain
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Thursday 21st June 2012 | Osh
You're asking how?
If you don't have legs that are an exact replica of Heidi Klum yet you don't like to put high heels on to extend things a little what is there for you to do!
Do we need to suffer to be beautiful? No, fortunately, it isn’t mandatory (at least, nothing says you have to). There are ways to make your legs seems much longer and sexier!
First tip: choose an article of clothing that is high waisted. Emphasizing your waist, this creates a balance between your torso and you legs which also makes you seem like you've grown taller than Jack's beanstalk.
second tip: If you wear cropped tops and jackets with some jeans, this will draw attention to you legs and make them look long and lush.
You follow? Similarly, avoid ⅞ trousers or the twelve o'clock skirts that cut leg length! You must choose really short skirts and shorts that you wear bare legged in summer or with opaque tights black that are slender when it is cold.
By Patricia Peycelon