
Distillery Sends Whiskey Into Space

Friday 13th April 2012 | Osh


A malt whiskey has been blasted into space to see how it matures under zero gravity.

Malt and charred oak were sent up in an unmanned cargo spacecraft last October.  The ingredients were mixed together once they reached the space station.

Dr Bill Lumsden, in charge of distilling and whiskey creation said “This experiment will throw new light on the effect of gravity on maturation.  We are all tremendously excited.  Who knows where it will lead?”

The experiment will be in space until the end of 2013.

The aim is to better understand how flavours work.  A whiskey ‘buyer’ Arthur Motley said “I’ve sampled some of Scotland’s most heavenly whiskies, along with some rocket fuel, but nothing so intergalactic.

We would love to stock this, although I’d be a little concerned with the astronomical price- and the hefty carbon footprint.”