Aaron Silk Interview
Reggae | Tuesday 27th March 2012 | Osh
Beginning his musical journey at age 12, not only is he fulfilling prophecy, he is currently promoting two singles and an album that is due during the latter part of the year. This conscious artist gives us some insight into his journey so far...
With reggae music being something you’ve grown up around, what effect has it had on your life?
Reggae music is my foundation, Jamaica is the land of reggae and it has affected my life like a positive virus from a tender age. I grew up listening to Bob Andy, Jacob Miller, Dennis Brown, Bob Marley and Jimmy Cliff to name a few of the reggae pioneers that have inspired me.
So if you could pick anybody in the world to work with on a track, who would it be and why?
I'm a big fan of Alicia Keys and Rihanna. I love the energy, passion and sincerity that go within their songs.
Who has been your favourite artist to work with and why?
Garnett Silk. There is no love like a brother's love and he never hesitated to treat me like a true brother. Being on tour with Freddie McGregor and Sugar Minott also taught me a lot. They took me under their wings like a little brother and schooled me about the ups and downs of music and how best to deal with it.
I understand that this topic must be quite hard to talk about but in what ways has your music been influenced by the music of your brother, Garnett?
My brother was the first person to say to me "seek ye first the kingdom of Jah and all the necessary things will be added on to you." In plain words he said to me, sing more for the almighty, he is the one who gave you the talent so give back. They’re words that have never gone unheard by my ears.
“Music is the rod and we are Moses, music is the voice of his brother Aaron.” What does that mean to you? How does it feel to almost be living out this prophecy?
He (Garnett) was the one who said to me "you have to come and help me do this work, me alone can’t do it”. He has never spoken to me in such a serious tone so for me it is an honour. I feel like I was ordained to do this.
Who/ what are the influences in your music?
My influence in music comes from the love of Rastafari and the love for the people.
What has been the best part of your musical journey as an artist so far?
Meeting and greeting people who embrace my music and to stand on a stage in front of thousands of people and watch them marvel and sing my songs.
What message are you trying to spread through your music?
A conscious, positive and uplifting one. A message that transcends beyond boundaries and knows no class, colour, race or creed. A message that can mend broken hearts and spirits, heal old wounds and enhance love.
Where did the musical streak in your family come from? Were any of your elders involved with music?
My mother was a good singer but she never pursued that road. My father loved Bob Marley but I never heard him sing before.
Well I must say, your voice is truly amazing and in a way is reminiscent of your brother’s. I guess you get that a lot though?
Yes I do and for me it is a big compliment. Thank you for the kind words.
What made you take on the name Silk?
It was given to me by the people and seeing that I am the brother of Garnett, it was hard to escape. The first time I was advertised with the name was for a show with Black Uhuru, by Yasus Afari.
So how would you describe yourself in three words?
Jovial, charming and serious.
You grew up in church as a child? How has it helped shape your life?
I have been to a lot of different denominations. As I get older a lot of things have changed like the way I view life, the way I view love and the way I learn to appreciate my fellow men and women. That’s the sole reason why faith has led me to Rastafari. Growing up in church is a discipline that has been instilled and from that I can never depart. It is one thing I will never forget.
So how do your beliefs influence/ impact your music?
I prefer to know rather than belief so I try to search for the fact in the things I am told to believe in. When I learn the truth or feel comfortable being close to the truth, I carefully pen the words I put on paper to become a song.
You wake up each morning and keep giving to your fans through your music. What keeps you motivated?
The love of the people and the appreciation of the masses. The more I give, the more they keep giving back with compliments. And none of this would be possible without the most high, Jah Rastafari.
Only You and Family’s Table are available on iTunes. Search Aaron Silk on MySpace, Soundcloud, Reverbnation and www.facebook.com/aaronsilkmusic to hear his latest music!
Venetta Shaw