Mark Zuckerberg: YOU CANT SIT WITH US
Other | Monday 2nd June 2014 | Serena
While Facebook acts a free platform to connect with the 1 billion users all over the world, there are terms and conditions to its use. Even though you have your profile, what I was soon to find is that its not your profile whatsoever. Everything with the Facebook domain belongs to Facebook, all your info, all your photos and all your pages. If you piss off Facebook, they will delete you and here is what will happen:
There are several reasons that Facebook will disable you the main reasons being:
You didn’t use your real name.
You joined too many groups. (The maximum limit is 200 groups per user.)
You posted in too many groups, too many user’s walls. (That’s what spammers do, silly.)
You friended too many people. (Not so long ago this was a prime cause of disabled accounts, but Facebook has instituted a maximum of 5000 friends that should protect you from yourself.)
Your school/organization affiliation is doubtful.
You’re poking too many people. (you rude)
You advertised your app on wall posts. ( no1 else is allowed to make money except facebook)
You used duplicate text in multiple messages.
You are a cow, dog, or library.
You are under 18 years old and not part of a High School group.
You wrote offensive content.
Just like that dude who watches porn in an internet cafe and couldn't give a fuck about his surroundings, We are completely aware that Facebook are monitoring us but we genuinely don't give a flying shit for the privilege of having Facebook.
When you get disabled by Facebook, this sign comes up when you try to sign in.
Naturally you would click the 'appeal page' which directs you to upload your government issued ID.
Hmmm my government issued ID? do you want anal swabs of my DNA too? Not only is Facebook the only social media site to be requesting this information they are literally ransoming everything on your account until you give it to them.
With the new update rumours that the Facebook app will actually use the microphone on your mobile to pick up buzzwords in peoples conversation is just plain old fucked up.
But as for holding accounts ransom for peoples identifications isn't that erm bullying? And it only takes a few tears before bullying turns into terrorism and Facebook insurgents will be knocking at your door demanding your first born.
My initial reaction to being rejected from Facebook
Making a stand against the baby snatching oppressors of the internet, I didn't give them my ID and thought id give real life a go for a while But my devil-may-care attitude changed pretty quickly as soon as I realised how truly fucked I was without Facebook.
Obviously I missed looking at my own profile for hours on end and the tinsy little bit of excitement when you get a notification. (Thats what i call Facebook crack.)
But when Facebook deletes you, Mark Zuckerberg and his entire app posse will also delete you.
by this I mean every app that used facebook to log in had stopped working, blocking my accounts with them also. My soundcloud, vimeo, netflix, tinder (lol), esty, spotify all use Facebook as a login so the accounts you have with them are also gone. How would you cope?
Feeling in complete internet exile I attempted to gain access to my Facebook via email.
Hoping it would spark a humanistic response I sent this:
I got a facebook bot reply
wait just incase you didn’t read that, terms and conditions state everyone to list their real names on their account?!?!
Firstly here is a list of people who use fake names:
-international friends with 'western' names. Even these people use names that aren't even names like 'rain' or this guy:
-Self promotion peeps.
-EVERY (wanna be) DJ
-People who just don't give a fuck and make facebooks for obscure objects just to get in relationships with them
-Peoples who's names are too long
-Lady gaga
Is a fake name ever ok?
So I have a name, barry who works at facebook wants my ID. But who are you barry? I cant stalk you to see if your real so…
…barrys uses my nickname
So having made it quite clear I sent my ID:
After an email saying the ID was still inappropriate, I said it was the only one I had and that I used to be a man.
Facebook then changed all my details, Including my birthday and country. This was GENUINE facebook rape. Like facebook raped me. The thing normally gets raped becomes the rapist. Horrific.
honestly I don't think I've seen a profile that has a real name, real birth date, real school, honest likes and work places and all that jazz… i mean it just sounds so…basic. The internet is beyond anything basic. Msn, Hi5, myspace, habbo hotel, AOL chat rooms all these wouldav have been ridiculously awkward if real names were used all the time!! WhOs NaMe LoOkd LyK dIs On THiEr BiRth cIrTiFicAtES?!?
with Zuckerberg buying up every social software being used currently and its just a wonder what are the ramifications of this really are.
The problem is Mark zuckerberg wants to own what people do on the internet. he's created something that effectively should be its own entity, but in his eyes it needs to be regulated and for something to be regulated it needs control. If hitler taught us anything, its that people hate power hungry self obsessed wankers with too much control. Ok fine mark zuckerberg isn't hitler…yet.
So are they allowed to do such a thing? make your life and everything you use totally dependant on Facebook, then take it away? yes they are, you see your pictures aren't yours, they belong to Facebook, its their website and their rules and they can change them at any time. so back that shit up!!!
1 thing to realise is Facebook are and will sell you out. you talk about something in a message with a friend and an advertisement comes up about it on the side panel the next day, thats how it works, thats how Facebook is free and it will be happy to sell your information on. its a business and business’s need to make more and more money everyday. From the evidence here, its good to know what you’re dealing with. Getting too comfortable with anything is never that good and that the biggest company in the world hardly has a customer service team. except a guy called Barry.
And Barry if you’re reading this I don't know who you are. I don't know what you want. If you are looking for ransom, I can tell you I don't have money. But what I do have are a very particular set of skills; skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you. If you let my Facebook go now, that'll be the end of it. I will not look for you, I will not pursue you. But if you don't, I will look for you, I will find you, and I will kill you.