Kicked in the Head by a Train
Thursday 17th April 2014 | Bloddick
I "tried to take a selfie while a train passed a 'safe' distance behind. I guess I was still too close and got kicked in the head."
This is the description of the video uploaded by user 'Jared Michael' on Youtube. The guy, though, didn't get kicked in the head by the train itself, as he says, because otherwise he wouldn't be even telling the story. What actually kicked him was the leg of the driver. The machinist, probably annoyed by the absolute lack of awareness shown by the guy standing in the way, readily pulled off his foot and gently let the inertia do the dirty job. The kick is, infact, not vigorous or intentionally harmful. It's just some kind of a warning. Something that, in the eyes of the driver, had to be done in the moment.
And I kinda understand him, especially after hearing the very last part of the video: The guy is just happy that he got the almost-fatal instance on tape, and the huge amount of hits he is about to get on the Youtube, which is already at 5 million.
Here is the original video: