An Interview with: Riva Starr
House | Thursday 17th April 2014 | Bloddick
Oshi caught up with the great Riva Starr to talk about his massive collaborations with Green Velvet and Fat Boy Slim, his biggest successes and how he made to the top of the scene. And, of course, about his live at Egg.
O: Riva Star, Everybody! how you doing?
R: Great, how you doing?
O: Good man! How's been going on in the last couple of years? It's been awhile since we caught up!
R: Yeah I remember, we met in Miami. It's all good, I've been producing a lot over there. Had a collaboration with Green Velvet and a few others... Did a smashing hit with Fat Boy Slim, it's been number 3 in the UK. Basically I've been around like a crazy monkey as usual!
O: And having as much fun as ever, right?
R: Yeah of course, Man!
O: Wicked! You're up for something big next week... Pacha...
R: Yeah, next week is going to be fun. I'm playing in Cleveland with Kevin Anderson and a few others. And then the Pacha, where I'll play in the afternoon and in the evening. Massive line-up.
O: It sounds absolutely crazy. I know you're gonna have such a wild time!
R: Yeah, I'll stay there for the whole week. It should be enough time to get drunk. I'll catch up with some friends, see people I've just talked to through emails. It's important to have a human relation and watch in the eyes people you make business with.
O: There must be a lot of people that you only see once a year in Miami
R: Exactly, so it's a good chance to catch up with friends and meet fellow Dj's.
O: Then you'll head to London, where there are some pretty great parties waiting for you. Egg as well, right?
R: Yeah, it will be fun man. I'm really looking forward to play at Egg, cause I've not been there for a long time and it's always so much fun.
O: You need to get back into the party spirit here after Miami
R: Yeah, and I got plenty of new music as well
O: How much time do you spend in the studio?
R: Actually, at the moment 24 hours a day cause I was trying to finish all the new stuff before leaving for Miami.
O: So you're still making hits for this year
R: I hope So! I'm definitely gonna make new bits for the clubs more than for the charts. And then let's see how it goes. Whatever I like to do in the studio, I do it. I don't care.
O: What's the biggest motivation that keeps you going?
R: I don't really plan it. I mostly do stuff for the club. Of course my music is a bit more ecleptic than the normal dj tools, I just jump in the studio and jam with them. When I worked with Fat Boy Slim we met and worked on this cheeky tune, you know just going with the flow. I don't like to plan my music.
O: And what you do you turn it to gold
R: Yeah, sometimes it happens. I can't complain about that
O: And that's good, because you maintain your credibility by always giving that Riva Star vibe to every track. You deserve that!
R: Thanks man!
O: So if I could hang out with you this year, where is the place I should book my ticket to?
R: Of course the Egg
O: Nice, I'm gonna come along and say Hello!
R: Yes, please!
O: Or in Miami, who knows!
R: Yeah, I really know you're going to pop up at some place!
O: Absolutely. In your career, who is that helped you the most coming out?
R: I think there is a few. My manager for sure, since I've been working with him from the beginning. And other people that gave me suggestions. Sometimes it's hard to find artist that want to share their secrets, but it's good when if you find people that want to transmit you their knowledge. And my parents of course, because they always let me do what I really liked. You know how parents are sometimes... “Go to work, study!” and all these things.
O: Did you have the chance to help someone else particularly?
R: Yeah, of course. We are now trying to push new people, also helping them in the production. You have to get the new generation to rise as well.
O: Nice. Is there something that you have done that made you particularly proud?
R: Two kids. I love them!
O: And what about something for you career?
R: Probably moving to London. Because I've been able to hang with a lot of people from the industry and that's been really helpful.
O: What's the luckiest thing instead?
R: Finding the right collaborations. With Green Velvet and Fat Boy Slim have definitely been right.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rivastarr
Twitter: https://twitter.com/rivastarr
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/rivastarr