All nighter on the tubes, anyone?
Other | Thursday 21st November 2013 | Alex
It’s finally happened, come 2015 we’ll have 24 hour tubes. We’ll get the Piccadilly, Victoria, Central, Jubilee and some parts of the Northern line running all night on Fridays and Saturdays. Sundays though - you’re on your own. This is going to be a revelation for anyone finishing work at 2am looking to get home quickly, anyone who’s got a night bus at that time finishing up from work knows the pain and hurt that sitting (or, god forbid standing) can do to you in that scenario. Punch drunk isn’t quite the right phrase, but it’s close.
This guy's happy about it...
Best news ever -> 24 hour weekend tube service by 2015. http://t.co/IHWFFVC714
— Tim Grimes (@digitim) November 21, 2013
So is he...
24 hour tube service from 2015.. Party time
— SKOUT PIFF GANG (@YoungSkout) November 21, 2013
Ghostpoet doesn't seem too sure how he feels...
Wow “@TfLOfficial: 24-hr w/end Tube from 2015, more staff visible to help passengers & stations staffed at all times http://t.co/F0refOjOPu”
— ghostpoet (@ghostpoet) November 21, 2013
Still, the all night tube idea is one that every Londoner has thought of. This crazy dream has been pondered by people trying to get across the city to get a quick lay to those who need to hop from one club to the next in record time, previously thought to be the realm of dreamers and people too drunk to think straight. Still, if they’re going to have 24 hour trains, they should at least put a bit of thought into bringing back the days of being able to knock back a couple of drinks.
It goes for anybody, if you’re going out clubbing, you’ll want to have a couple in transit. If you’ve just finished work, you’ll want something to relax with in the world’s most unrelaxing environment. If you’ve paid more money than you could ever think of paying on public transport and think you deserve to be able to what you want on the tube, you’ll do whatever you want regardless of the law or people around you. That’s just the way it is.
Can we have a moment for the tube offices, though? These are some fairly institutional parts of London travel and an estimated 750 jobs will be lost, because people are more frequently going to the automated ticket machines. They are much quicker, though. TfL have said there will still be a job for anyone who’s flexible in their job and is willing to free themselves from behind the office glass, as long as they’re willing to be more active on the stations’ floors. Fair deal, don’t you agree?
Alex Taylor https://twitter.com/alextaylor18