
Playstation 4 or Xbox One?

Other | Tuesday 12th November 2013 | Stephen

As far as games at release go the Xbox One has the leg up on the PS4. Games like Forza 5 and Dead Rising 3 look better than Sony's offering of Killzone: Shadowfall and Knack, but a lesser launch doesn't mean you should discount Sony. Neither line-up is especially impressive and Sony own a lot of fantastic developers who are yet to make games for the platform. On top of this, Sony has better ties with independent developers, so the future could be very bright for the PS4.

What this goes to show is that it's too early to tell. After all, plenty of great console had underwhelming launches, I'm sure few of you have beloved memories of playing Kameo and Perfect Dark: Zero on your 360. Time will tell which platform is better, so for now it's best to wait it out or go upgrade your PC.

Stephen Gillespie