Have we found Bigfoot?
Other | Friday 18th October 2013 | annalisemarguerita
Bigfoot (also known as Sasquatch, Abominable Snowman, Yeti ): The name given to an ape/hominid- like creature that some people believe inhabits forests, mainly in the region of North America.
A new discovery leads scientists to believe there could be a chance that this legendary creature may finally be identified. British scientist Bryan Sykes has obtained DNA from some hair samples of the suspected Bigfoot. A genetic match with an ancient polar bear has given scientists the idea that perhaps there is a sub species of brown bear living in the High Himalayas that could be the answer to our speculations on the creature. So perhaps our ideas of this mythical beast are not so out of this world after all...
Sykes investigation found a 100% match of DNA sample from an ancient polar bear found in Norway, which is at least 40,000 years old. The professor thinks that the most likely explanation for the identification of our Bigfoot legend could be that the animals are hybrids – a cross between brown bears and polar bears.
The lack of physical evidence has given us reason to believe, until now, that the existence of Bigfoot may just be a combination of misidentification or hoax. A hairy ape-like creature, 2-3 metres tall and weighing in excess of 230kg, that many fraudsters have imitated with monkey suits and fake feet.
Now I don't know about you, but if Bigfoot is discovered to be real, then I will only be satisfied if he lives up to my expectations of resembling the character from Harry and the Hendersons, and nothing less.
Annalise Marguerita Watson