People might say that the 90s was the era of the rave scene, and this may be true, but it is still very much alive today. Knowing the right people you can find one happening in London pretty much every weekend. The huge field raves may not exist to the same extent, but the city ones are still a very big deal. I interviewed a rig owner from one of the larger set ups to find out what is going on...
Uruguay's stance on Drugs just got interesting.
For just $1, you can get a bag of weed. If you're Uruguayan, of course.
400 pills found in Suffolk; thought to be the batch behind the deaths of four people.
400 pills found in Ipswich following Police warning about dangerous pills, thought to be behind the deaths of 4 people across the UK.
Former government drugs minister argues against legal high ban
Former government drugs minister Professor David Nutt has penned an open letter to the Prime Minister asking him to reconsider legislation that would put a ban on all legal highs.