Hundreds missing & nearly 500 dead, lets remind Sierra Leone it doesn't stand alone
On August the 14th several Sierra Leoneans woke up to overwhelming torrential rains that caused flooding and a devastating mudslide that overtook many in their homes, in Mortormeh, Kamayama and Kaningo, communities on the outskirts of the capital Freetown.
Initial reports from the government claimed that over 300 bodies had been recovered, but as rescue operations continue, the death toll rises. Currently, it stands at 450, but as each day passes the chances of finding survivors decreases.
Six days after the mudslide 10,000 people are homeless, and another 10,000 are being evacuated from an unstable hillside in Freetown, where a large crack has opened.
With many being forced out of their homes and with no place to go, the future for many residents living near the hillside looks bleak. Bakary Conte told Al Jazeera, " It took everything away. There is nothing to save. I don't want to live here anymore. I am afraid."
Many have lost property, personal possessions and the majority of these people are young vulnerable children, infants & mothers.
Many agencies are working on the ground, providing clean water and shelters. However, more can be done. Sierra Leone has survived a civil war, the Ebola crisis and the country's citizens are struggling to cope.
With the constant barrage of world disasters happening around the world it can seem like one tiny contribution doesn't matter. But in the words of the Dalai Lama, "Our prime purpose in this life is to help others," together we can make a difference to the lives of 10,000 individuals.
Do what you, and give want you can to Tacugama , ActionAid, World Vision & Street Child.