Don’t Bomb Syria Protest In London Tonight
Don’t Bomb Syria Protest In London Tonight
When: 1st December, 18:00
Where: Parliament Square, SW1A
Tomorrow, Wednesday 2nd December, MP’s will vote on bombing Syria. Stop The War Coalition have therefore asked that tonight, on eve of the vote, the public protest against the government plans to bomb ISIS in the country.
The protest will assemble at Parliament Square where there will be a number of speakers, the protest will then march to the Tory and Labour headquarters which are nearby.
David Cameron has been accused of rushing through the vote from Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn who had a request for a two-day debate on the issue rejected by the PM.
There are doubts as to what the U.K can achieve through bombing Syria that other nations such as the U.S.A haven’t been able to do, however, MP’s are expected to vote in a favour of the bombing.
Speakers include -
Richard Burgon MP
Salma Yaqoob
Lindsey German
Sabby Dhalu
More Speakers TBC