10 killers from Magnetude's crates
Drum and Bass | Wednesday 21st March 2018 | Arren
Magentude give us a signal of top tunes to snatch.
We love a good playlist of records here at Guestlist, and this time we’ve got you lucky lot a big one! Both members of the anglo-russian duo Magentude have shared 5 of their favourite records for the floors.
Over the last eight years, James & Rustam have gone from sharing tunes and ideas over the net to becoming a physical act dropping heavy tracks and tearing up stages and dance-floors across the globe. Their latest work propels the lads even further with a two-tracked smasher landing on the infamous Ram Records.
The two tracks, ‘Snatch’ & ‘Signal’ are proper restless tunes. Beefy bass tones and quality sound engineering keeps both records rolling over and sure to be a highlight in sets right now. Hear both records on their SoundCloud now and bag yourself a copy here.
Following the release of their latest fire the pair dropped more madness; this time in the form of a playlist. Both have compiled 5 mad tunes and they haven’t held back.
James' picks:
Bad Company - The Nine
“One of my favourite tracks which can be dropped with anything and just that 4 beat signature hook alone can set a dance-floor ablaze. Plus it still sounds so fresh 19 years on and works with pretty much any tune you drop it into.”
Konflict - Messiah
“This for me is a perfect track to either intro or double drop with. Just the signature horns and “ArrrrrrrrrrAHHHHHH” is enough to raise the hands and energy of the dance. Plus it is one of my all time favourite drum & bass tracks.”
Noisia - Block Control
“For my DJ style this is a perfect track as it has 3 separate drops, so I am able to cue up some great mixes with this one. Plus this tune’s ab absolute bomb, one of Noisia’s finest. The VIP is another one too.”
Bad Company - Planet Dust
“This track is another classic for me and like ‘The Nine’ pretty much works with anything that it is dropped into. One of the best DJ tools that can be double dropped with almost anything and decimate the dancefloor.”
The Qemists - Stompbox (Spor Remix)
“This track has such an interesting structure and so many memorable signatures. The intro has a perfect switch for a teaser and the drop is incredible. I tend to drop this and ‘Planet Dust’ together a lot actually… Wait, is that cheating?”
Rustam's picks:
Emperor & Mefjus - Disrupted
“This is such an original and heavy tune that everyone knows. The drop can turn the most biggest baby face on the dance-floor into looking like a possessed demon within seconds.”
Dirtyphonics - Power Now (feat. Matt Rose)
“This one changes game on any party and can set the dance-floor ablaze. It is a great tool that is broken up into 3 various elements to choose from in which I can either use as an intro, or to switch up tempos mid set. Great track.”
Sub Focus - Flamenco
“I do like to switch up my sets and play as across board as much as possible. The melody in this track makes me so happy, and it isn’t neuro, it isn’t jump up, this track is in it’s own entity that works well and a go-to for me when I want to switch sub-genres in my sets.”
Calyx & Teebee - Strung Out VIP
“Very catchy dance-floor killer that everyone knows, and like ‘Flamenco’ it can really change up the vibe too. The intro is amazing too.”
L 33 - Karate (Neonlight Remix)
“What is wrong with this tune!?!?!?! This is personally one of my favourite and most played tracks of 2017. This is everything I love about drum & bass - music heavy and packed with energy.”
Magnetude released ‘Snatch / Signal’ on Ram Records - BUY
Facebook - SoundCloud