Join the Deputy Labour Leader in a hunger strike against Guantanamo Bay
Tuesday 24th October 2017 | Geri
Tom Watson, Deputy Labour Leader has gone on a hunger strike in solidarity with Guantanamo Bay prisoners, Khalid Qasim and Ahmed Rabbani, who have been on strike since the 20th of September- according to human rights group- Reprieve.
“I’m not allowing myself anything but sips of water” the MP stated in his Guardian article explaining the strike.
Usually, when prisoners go on hunger strike, suffering severe weight loss, they are force-fed through a thin tube in their nose in a restraint chair. But under the Trump administration, it seems that things have taken a shift. They are no longer being force-fed.
Although a spokesman for the Pentagon has maintained that feeding the detainees remains practice.
However, in recent calls with their clients, Reprieve report that the two inmates (along with others) are no longer being monitored. Any “harm” to them is being dismissed as “choice” by the new medical officer.
Qasim who has been in prison for 15 years without any kind of trial calls these days “the most terrifying” often wondering when his organs are going to give in. Even passing out on one occasion without any medical attention. Reprieve explains that he has lost all hope of living longer. Rabbani who has dropped to just 6.5 stone, is also suffering from internal bleeding.
“Make no mistake, these men will die at the hands of Donald Trump if nothing is done.” Tom Watson explains. Trump publicly stated that he wanted to load up Guantanamo with a “bad guys”. Even in the most brutal regimes “bad guys” are force-fed.
Tom Watson has also been joined by Pink Floyd’s Rodger Waters in the hunger strike as well as by Stephen Fry and David Morrissey.
If you would like to join the other 1061 people in #FastForJustice you can sign up here!
Or you can sign the Reprieve petition to close Guantanamo.