CIA becomes latest target of WikiLeaks
Tuesday 7th March 2017 | Parmis
The Julian Assange- created organisation committed to exposing information and enforcing political transparency has released thousands of controversial leaks believed to be from the CIA’s Center for Cyber Intelligence.
In a new age of technology, matters of privacy and security are in constant controversy – with masses arguing that the increasing level of technological surveillance infringes upon their human right to a private life.
The new WikiLeak project has been dubbed “Vault 7” in its attempts to expose the US’s Center of Central Intelligence’s methods in extracting information from individuals.
WikiLeaks has most notably exposed the CIA’s attempts in trying to “weaponize” iPhone and Samsung products, of which most of the US population is an owner of, by turning them into “covert microphones”.
This in turn, leads to further questions of corruption, whether the US’s surveillance is specifically targeted or is it just an opportunity to obtain private information on all of its citizens?