Save Our Royal Mail
Thursday 4th July 2013 | Abby
The Royal Mail has served not only London, but the whole of England for years transporting our love letters, payment of our bills, and postcards to loved ones throughout our lifetime and many more before us. No it is time to give back to this beloved mail company!
The Royal Mail is the trustworthy British mailing institution that has been around to ensure that our post is delivered and received efficiently, effectively, and securely. However, this institution is under the threat of being privatised by our governmental ministers, threatening the protection of the company’s services. Services from our much-loved, trusted, and long-serving postmen may be taken for granted and cut off from their services and left without a job. Local postman Darren R. Stated:
“I cover three delivery routes in Devon everyday supporting local businesses and residents. For some older residents I might be the only person they see all day and it’s good for them to see a friendly postman saying hello.”
Daily delivery services may be halted, possibly resulting with rural dwellers receiving mail only a few times a week. Expenses are expected to amplify, including the prices of stamps. Local post offices could be shut down.
Think about the people in this business and your community! Help out the beloved Royal Mail and sign their petition today! Click here to sign the petition!
Written By Abby D @AbbyDonkin