The Pope Has Questioned Donald Trump's Christianity...
We all know that America is a very Christian country. We all know that Donald Trump is a Christian man who does not necessarily like Muslims. And it is a well-known fact that if you're not a Christian, you have no chance in Hell of becoming the President of the United States.
With this in mind, a crushing blow has been dealt to Trump's Presidential campaign... the Pope has brought into question his Christianity.
Speaking in reference to Trump's plans to build a wall between American and Mexico, the Pope claimed that "A person who thinks only about building walls, whereever they may be and not of building bridges, is not Christian." Fear not all you bricklayers out there, he isn't bringing your faith into disrepute, it's metaphorical... I think.
These comments come on the back of Trump's plans to deport around 11 million Mexicans with no documentation, claiming that Mexico sends their 'rapists' and criminals to the US.
It seems Trump has a passion for generalising whole races and religions. What a charming fellow. In true Trump fashion, he replied to the Pope's denouncing with:
"If ISIS attacks the Vatican, the Pope will wish I were President."