
"Tour" talk with Eton Messy

House | Friday 23rd October 2015 | Annalisa

Born from the love of garage music and good times, Eton Messy has proven to be the voice of the people, with their hugely popular YouTube channel attracting a loyal following and establishing them as certified tastemakers within this newly rejuvenated genre. We touch base with one of the hottest collectives in House & Garage ahead of their UK winter tour.

So it must have been an exciting couple of few years for you guys. At what point did you realise that you were on to something with the whole Eton Messy brand?

As soon as the views started picking up and we started selling out our events I guess we started to realise there was an appetite for what we were doing.

What do you think the catalyst has been behind the current rejuvenation in UK dance music within this generation of music lovers?

The rise of platforms like Youtube and Soundcloud have definitely played an important role for sure. Its made things a lot easier to be accessible which may not have been before.

So tell us how you got into Garage / Bass music growing up in Bristol... Who were your main influences at that time?

When we were at in Bristol we were spoilt for nightlife. Clubs like Motion and Lakota were putting on big scale events with some of the best acts from around Europe and the world in Dance music so it was because places like them that we became hooked on that kind of sound.

With the recent success of your YouTube channel, do you think this helped you boys establish your record label?

Well I think anyone could probably see that without one we wouldn’t have been able to have the other so of course.

What else can we expect from Eton messy records this year?

Well our latest release was buy a completely brand new act called LIMITS from Belgium who has come in with quite a statement and we are so proud to be involved in his career so early on. He has a very promising future ahead of him. We are also about to start working on the next single from Kayper who has already done an EP with us so we are looking forward to seeing how that goes.

As a DJ outfit, what has been your most memorable experience so far, and why?

There are so many but one of them that sticks in our minds is our boat party at Hideout. it was a pretty sweaty affair and Blonde came along for the ride. We ended up playing for 3 hours back to back and had a lot of fun!

Over the last decade, distribution of music has fundamentally changed from the traditional channels catching major labels slightly by surprise, how has this aided people such as your self to come through?

Im not sure if it’s aided people like us but its definitely opened up things for everyone. Major labels still and always will have an important role to play in music.

So are there any artists / acts we should know about that are currently hot on your radar?

Well we already mentioned LIMITS and Kayper. Our pal Tommy Vercetti is turning so many heads at the moment. He seems to be getting loads of support from some great DJ’s at the moment which is so good to see. Anyone who knows him will be able to tell you that he works his ass off so its great to see him starting to be rewarded.

You’ll be hitting the road soon for your forthcoming UK tour. Apart from Bristol, which cities are you looking forward to and why?

All of them! I guess maybe London though, it’s going to be a huge show for us with quite a lot of production too. I'm pretty sure its going to be sold out any day now too which is a massive acheivement for us.

Are there any annoying habits that you guys have, which might frustrate one another whilst on the road?

Not telling!

What’s the first record / song you ever bought?

Deltron 30/30 - Things you can do

If you were stranded on a desert island and you could have three songs to keep you entertained which tracks would you choose?

The Specials - Ghost Town
X-Press 2 - Lazy
Everything But The Girl - Missing (Todd Terry Club Mix)

What's in store for 2016, is there any exclusive news you can share with the Guestlist readers?

You shall just have to wait and see! We are planning some great things but we just can’t say anything yet unfortunately. There is still so much of 2015 to live!

Tour Dates

Friday 30th October – Electric Brixton, London
Special Guest: TBA, Eton Messy DJs, Jax Jones, Kayper, LIMITS, NVOY, Tommy Vercetti

Saturday 21st November – Antwerp Mansion, Manchester
Austin Ato, Eton Messy DJs, Kayper, Saint WKND, Tommy Vercetti, The Golden Boy

Monday 30th November – Stealth Nightclub, Nottingham
Eton Messy DJs, Jax Jones, The Golden Boy, Zac Samuel, More TBA

Wednesday 2nd December – Digital, Newcastle
99 Souls, Eton Messy, Kokiri, NVOY, TCTS, Zac Samuel

Friday 4th December – Club Action, Glasgow
Special Guest: TBA, Eton Messy DJs, GotSome, The Golden Boy, Tommy Vercetti

Friday 11th December – Rainbow Venues, Birmingham
Eton Messy DJs, The Golden Boy + Support

Saturday 12th December – In:Motion, Bristol
Special Guest: TBA, Eton Messy DJs, Fono, Jax Jones, Tieks, Zac Samuel , Austin Ato, LIMITS, Kayper, Tommy Vercetti, Hit The Bricks.