Tuesday 12th March 2013 | plana
“We are what the people have been waiting for.”
DARK HORSES are a group famous for their spectacle, romance, mystery, the transcendental music. On the wall of their studio is written “If it feels slow, play it slower” revealing their love and feel for music. A lot of feelings that exist around the music people seem to have forgotten about, they say: “We wear black because Rock’n’Roll is dead, we want to inspire and challenge an empowering agenda aiming high for integrity, invention and grace."
Their sound encompasses all sorts of reference points, from the obvious -Kraftwerk, Spacemen 3, Radiohead to other kinds of music such as old and new: Country, soul, pop, psych, hip-hop “and for spiritual courage John Lee Hooker and Billie Holiday are never far away.”
Member BOBBY said “the vision for DARK HORSES was a collective of individuals creating SONIC SOUL MUSIC with resonance and panache, which can simply translate that when I’m on stage wearing the Dark Horses colours, I play with a greater conviction and thus hopefully a greater heartfelt connection. The Horse colours are like a uniform that lets me walk freely.”
This view is clear: “DARK HORSES is an attempt to passionately fuse sensuality with substance, we see the world with cold fury and a tenderness, we’re vulnerable yet defiant.”
Among DARK HORSES number is Ali Tollervey, who doesnt play an instrument, but uses a camera and is considered as an important member. "Ali is pivotal, on stage with us every show, we find it stimulating to have visual feedback, it helps us develop sonically as well aesthetically and paradoxically this seems to allow us and our fans to participate more in the moment"
ANDY BANG simply adds: “To a Dark Horse a camera is as important as his distortion pedal.”
Another seemingly superfluous yet utterly important member is TOMMY CHAIN, whose name comes from his thrashing of a metal chain as a percussive element. There had been a chain on the recorded version of a song called ‘No Dice’, and it was decided that this would be a crucial element to bring to the live set.
Having someone onstage in a personalised leather jacket whose sonic purpose is to thrash a steel chain is a clear statement of intent: it’s theatrical, confrontational and sexual. That is DARK HORSES. Live, their songs are in the main either opiated slow or upbeat, either way they pulsate. The guitars are played correspondingly dirty and loud, or gentle and soft.
Others share their enthusiasm. DARK HORSES have already found kindred spirits in the likes of A Place To Bury Strangers, Tame Impala, Black Mountain, Black Rebel Motorcycle Club, all of whom have invited them on the road, recognising a band who have the same mentality as they do, that being: “Rock’n’roll is sorely lacking in the sort of heroes we want/need, so let’s be our own.” The latter Black Rebel’s Robert Levon Bean duets and co-wrote ‘Radio Offshore’, the AA side of the ‘Radio’ single. Kasabian, too, are disciples: Serge heard them and immediately wanted them – then only a few gigs old – to open for his band on their arena tour. “We were thrown in the deep end,” says Lisa. “It was terrifying, as it was wonderful.”
The bond was then further forged to the extent that Tom Meighan contributes guest vocals to the beautiful ‘Count Me In’, a song that now sits at the heart of Dark Horses debut album ‘BLACK MUSIC’.
Another brother/hero/admirer who has played a significant role in the genesis of what is the Dark Horses debut– in a much deeper way -is the Death In Vegas’s mainman RICHARD FEARLESS. He uprooted them to Michigan’s legendary ‘Key Club’ a former brothel, converted to recording studio. Whilst they bed hopped with The Kills, Fearless pumped the recordings through SLY STONE’S original Flickinger N32 mixing desk.
‘BLACK MUSIC’ heresay:
‘Unaware of their significance, the ‘HORSES high-lonesome sound is psychedelic soul to not die but live for.’
‘Lisa Elle’s voice is a holy communion of Grace Slick and Siouxsie Sioux’
‘An indelible statement on loneliness and spiritual thirst.’
‘DARK HORSES make mysterious, open-ended songs that tap into spiritual realms and become occasions for our individual meditation.’
The result of all of this time and perspiration is an album that works best as a cohesive whole, taking you on a journey from the tribal, elemental ‘Rose’ through the fizzing electronica of debut single ‘Alone’, the uplifting melancholy of Talking Heads cover ‘Road to Nowhere’ and beyond, further into their pinnacle of -sonic soul music- the epic ‘Anna Minor’. It’s the kind of record that could only come from the hearts and minds of people who BELIEVE THAT MUSIC MUST BE MORE THAN BACKGROUND NOISE, THAT IT MUST MATTER.
Lisa Elle –vocals, harmonica
Bobby Waterson –guitar, synthesizers
Andy Bang –lead guitar
Stephen Ingham –the drums
Harry Bohay-Nowell –electric bass
Tommy Chain –percussion
Ali Tollervey –camera
“The only safety is in danger. Dark Horses are prepared to love everything.”