
Benga Interview 2011

Thursday 15th December 2011 | Osh


He is one of the biggest names in dubstep and in worldwide demand Benga has come a long way from working at The Big Apple store in Croydon. He has led the way for this  rising global movement..we chatted to him about about his journey, crowd surfing and streaking!
How does it feel knowing that you were one of the pioneers of dubstep and now it’s such a huge genre?
I don’t feel nothing i just think certain times when i sit down and create a song like for example this morning i think what is the point of doing something that everyone has heard before, i try and move this on. From the start i have done a lot of what is going on now,so  i am always trying to move music on.
This has scene has completely blew up how do you feel the dubstep scene has changed since it started way back in early 2000?
The biggest things are that the production levels are a lot higher and we have all improved as producers, there are a lot more people following and its crazy as there is so much of one type of sound. Like today i could create something and by the next week there could be 10 other people creating the same thing and it wasn’t like that before. 
Do you think it can be seen as more of a trend?
It’s a new scene and its a proper scene now just like house, drum and bass etc.
You started off working at The Big Apple in Croyden hows the journey been since then?
Ive grown up in my head a lot, i was making tunes when i was 14 years old and had my first record out when i was 15. So i guess since then there’s a lot more on, i cant write like i used to because i used to spend every minute of every day making music but now i have so much other stuff on.
What inspires you to make tunes?
Everything and anything, people might say music inspires them to make other music but for me it can be anything like even today i might  just look at something and it can bring thoughts into my head. That’s why i have got this recording thing on my phone and its got so many of my tunes on it..if anyone was to pick up my phone and found it they would find half my tunes on it!
Ahh you have given the secret away now!
Yeah i know someones gonna try and rob it now!I've gotta keep my phone close now!
You have played all over the world..were has been your favourite club/country?
That’s a really hard question i cant give you my favourite but I can give you one of my favourites!Its between playing in Amsterdam at Paradiso or at The Dour Festival.. but there’s been loads.
You always go a bit crazy on your sets like crowd surf?!
I'm a bit nutty like that! when i DJ i get less and less control over myself, when i first start I'm in complete control then i have a few drinks!Don't get me wrong it never effects how I'm playing it just affects my reactions.
How do you keep it together?
I was struggling a bit last year to keep it together as there was no balance, it was all DJ and getting messy but i had to realise what was actually going on in my life and i am a big DJ in the world. I have music and i have got to create this stuff so i gotta be responsible for it you could say i have grown up a little bit.
What music do you listen to in your own time?
Everything! i was going through my ipod today and i have got like disturbed heavy metal then people like Drake and Nightlife from Andy everything!
You produced Katy B’s track ‘Katy On a Mission’ this has been a huge success, how this been for you?
It makes a lot of people on your back, there are a lot more people that are asking me to produce songs for their albums, but don’t get me wrong there were already a lot.
Do you feel this type of music is becoming more commercial?
Its popular music, people get it all twisted because as soon as something good gets into a popular frame everyone thinks its shit but its actually not its really good. Everyone freaks out music gets big, we haven't changed anything were doing we still do our Rinse show we still do what we do!
Is there any artists that you would like to work with?
There are a few people that now that i am close to finishing my new album i would like to work with but we will see...
How is your new album coming along?
Really well i am really really happy with it but I keep on starting it scrapping and starting it! i done a whole album and nearly scrapped it all because i thought to myself is this really what i want out of it, but now i am happy with it!
You are one part of Magnetic Man with Skream and Artwork tell us a bit about this collaboration?
I have known Skream and Artwork for so long, we started making tracks like 5 years ago and the reason why we called it Magnetic Man is that we wanted to do songs that no one knew who they were and they liked it for the music.We done a live show that was our way into Columbia's heart.
Your new single ‘I Need Air’ was out in July how has the response been from this?
It’s been absolutely crazy it was another top 10 record for me so in the space of two months i had two top ten tunes! people are going to start calling me Peter Andre!
What has been your funniest/ biggest or most embarrassing moment of your career so far?
Loads!!i streaked recently at Benicassim.It was so funny it sums it all up that we haven't changed..Skream bet me a grand to run around and i had the security chasing me!
If you could be invisible for one day, what would you do?
Rob a bank obviously!
What can we expect from for Benga and Magnetic Man in the future?
Well with Magnetic Man we have a album out 11th October its going to be big, then my own album about expect me more in the charts!