
Mystro Interview

RnB/Hip Hop | Thursday 15th December 2011 | Osh


British hip hop artist Mystro is all about spreading positive message, he is a diverse MC with a energetic charismatic flow.  We were eager to hear more so TGN hooked up with the talented star to catch up on things.
Hey how are things?
Yeah not  too bad thanks
How did you first start getting into music?
Probably from school, people singing and Top of the Pops or something like that!...and obviously listening to people  such as Micheal Jackson. Growing up as a kid i got into hip hop from my mates older brother as he used to play records and every time he went out we used to sneak in and play them and then it just grew from there really
How did you come up with the name Mystro?
It was some body else that called me it actually, a friend of a good friend of mine gave me the name and because i was always beat boxing and rapping they said you should be called Mystro and from there i just kept it. Most people used to know me as MeK but when i decided to do things properly it went to Mystro.
What have been your main influences with your music?
Everything really i get influenced by everyday life and situations that i am in but then in terms of music i listen to all kinds from hip hop from old skool funk to new jazz, rumba so quite a selection. I like to listen to different genres so i don't get stuck in one place- this is important to me.
How would you describe your rapping style?
My style can be kinda funny, can be serious, it can be stuff that you can listen to at home or on you headphones aswell as in a cub!So there’s something for everyone its straight to it..but there are so many different ways to describe it!
You had some history with Osh our editor tell us a bot about that?
It was good man! I  done a bit of presenting and street questionnaires..we also went to Miami a while ago like nearly 8 years ago!and it was my first trip as being an artist,we had such a good time proper parties!
As well as your musical achievements, you have won ‘Best Host’ award at the UK Hip Hop Awards two years running. What do you feel has been your greatest achievement?
Like working with artists that i grew up listening to like Del La Soul, Junior Reed and Ty, this has been a massive achievement for me as especially at the stage were I'm at at the moment where i have still got a little way to got in terms of growing up. Being that i have been doing this for nearly ten years now and i have managed to work with these artists independently and not through any label signing or management has proved that my skill has put me here- for me this is a for me this achievement.
In your video for your single, Around My Way, (which was voted TGN Top 5 Videos this month!) you literally took it to the streets, why was this important for you?  yeah well  the idea was to take it to the streets and have street performers  perform to people of all ages, it was important to let people know that not all hip hop is not offensive. It also gave people the opportunity to see hip hop in a different light, this was very important to me.
Tell us about your upcoming album “Digmund Fred”, what message are you putting across with this?
The message is that if it ain't life or death then don't worry about it..obviously we have all been through a lot in the last couple of  years with the recession and stuff and it has been hitting everyone in different ways. From every day life where there have been a lot of cut backs with jobs and redundancies, even in the music world people are saying its harder as it is not about selling the music anymore because your not gonna make any money so its like whats the point. In general i have seen a lot of i felt like rather than talk about how hard it is and the struggle lets sort out a solution, so i thought lets get it out there i was probably going through the same thing aswell so the idea of it is to make people look at things in a different light and understand it not as bad as they think it is.
If you could collaborate with any artist who would it be?
Yeah there’s loads..too many!The Roots, Roots Manuva,i suppose in the hip hop worlds there’s a whole bunch of people such as Jay Electronica and Sean Price.
Your playing at the Vibe Bar on 10th September for your album launch are you looking forward to this?
Yeah i have  played at The Vibe bar a few times and its been a laugh, so i am looking forward to tearing the roof off again and causing lots of trouble!
What’s the most embarrassing thing that’s ever happened to you?
I don't really get embarrassed..but the last thing that nearly got me embarrassed was when i was at this 1950’s party and these older women were there, they were all dancing, grabbing me up and all sorts! We had a photo taken and from the front it looked normal but from the back it didn't feel that wasn't much fun!
You loved it don't lie!
(Laughs) Ahh on with the next question!
Cool well thanks for chatting with us and we will catch you at the Vibe Bar.
Catch Mystro new album “Digmund Fred EP” which is out on 13th September 2010