
Peter Hook Interview

Indie | Wednesday 14th December 2011 | Osh


He was co-founder of the band Joy Division in the mid-1970s. Following the death of lead singer Ian Curtis, the band reformed as New Order and Hook played bass with them throughout their career until he left in 2007. Star Guestlist Network boys Marc and Victor caught up with the legend himself.

"So Mr Hook, after 30 years of making and performing music, do you still feel hyped to play each show?

"Ha, yeah! I still get very nervous actually, it’s quite an odd thing, I think it was Lou Reed who said "if you don't get nervous before a gig you shouldn't be doing it" so I am very lucky that I do agree with Lou! But yeah, I get very nervous about doing our Unknown Pleasures gigs".

Have you got any advice for Guestlist Network readers on how to sustain a career in the music industry?

"There is only one thing you can really do, that is, just write great songs, a great song will last forever. You just have to keep going, a lot of it is about self belief… I remember when Joy Division began we played in front of nobody and nobody gave a f*ck about us, then six months later, with the same material, we were the bee knee's! You just got to have the self believe and confidence in yourself to keep you going through those hard periods. Just keep writing and keep going. Ian Curtis was really the best at keeping us going in Joy Division!"

Was he a good motivator then?

"Yes, he was extremely good. Sometimes he would be the only one screaming at you at a gig, because sometimes it was very, very difficult and very, very disorientating"

Are there any bands that you consider to have been influenced by Joy Division or New Order?

"Well there are a lot of sound alikes and I have to say, I quite like them! I quite like White Lies and Editors. There are still a few bands being influenced, I always take it as a complement".

What’s coming up next for you then, Peter?

"Well I've just signed up to do a Joy Division Book. That makes me an author!!! (sarcastic voice) so millions of people now take me more seriously, ha ha".

Finally, do you have a special memory that you would like to share with Guestlist Network readers about Joy Division?

"You know what? It was a hell of a long time ago. I'm 54 now and when your life has been dealt well… stretched out in front of you, you think F*ck me! I wish I had relished it a lot more, so what I would say to your readers is relish your life because it will soon be gone!"