
Chase and Status Interview

Drum and Bass | Wednesday 7th December 2011 | Osh


Back with their anticipated return of their second album 'No More Idols'. We caught up with one of half of Chase and Status, Saul Milton to discuss the new album and their exciting year ahead.

Hi Chase you alright?
Yeah I’m cool mate, how about you?

Not Bad mate, what are you up to?
Well I just got out of hospital two days ago because I had tonsillitis. I was in isolation for a week and I still feel a bit rough. But I’m pulling through and going strong.

Your second album ‘No More Idol’ is due for release at the end of January; did you find creating and producing the tracks easier than your first record?
No way, it was much harder. We definitely had a case of second album syndrome. We wanted to create an album better than the first so we spent the most time possible before we set out a date to complete it. We teamed up with the likes of Dizzee (Rascal), Plan B, Tempa T, Mali, Sub Focus, Cee Lo Green, Claire Maguire and we finally created a song with White Lies which is like a dream for us. We really respected their work and have wanted to record with them for a long time. With all of this, I think we have made an amazing album. Can’t wait to see how well its received.

How long did the album take to make?
It was on and off for two years, while we were touring and when we were in the studio.
How was it recording with a host of different artists while creating this album?
It was really good seeing them all when making it. We all had a laugh especially Plan B. The guy knows how to have a good time. We have recorded a couple of tracks with him now and each time is a blast.

Is there anything in the pipeline for any future collaboration?
We are speaking with Cee Lo Green as we admire his work a lot and his voice could suit our music. Even though he worked with us for the song Brixton Briefcase, we feel we can benefit with someone with his voice on future projects. Also we are going to collaborate with Nero who is signed on to our record label MTA. We worked with them with their song Me & You which is a great hit. They are coming into their stride at the moment. I expect them to be on everyone’s lips by the end of the year.

Is there anyone you’re listening to at the moment who is unbelievable?
Well there is this American rapper called Lloyd who is literally incredible. I can’t believe how good he is. He’s going to be big for sure. We would like to work with him too.  Also Drake is one who springs to mind.  It’s exciting times for music at the moment.

Is there any big gigs you are preparing to perform at this year?
We played KOKO’s in Camden on the 26th, Southampton’s Guildhall on the 9th of March and Cambridge’s Corn Exchange on the 10th before we start our album tour which starts on the 11th of March in Roundhouse. We’ll be stopping off all over the country including Bristol, Nottingham, Leeds and Manchester just to name a few. We are sure to be playing a lot of festivals this summer so keep posted on where we’re going to perform at.

What has been the best gig you have ever played?
When we played the Milton Keynes Bowl supporting The Prodigy. I’m not going to lie, I thought some people were going to die, it was mental. We had Plan B come on to perform a few of our songs and the dust in the middle of the bowl was sky high. I doubt we will experience anything like that again... but we sure hope we do.

You won a few awards for your debut album ‘More Than Alot’. What accolades do you wish to get with this new album?
That’s really secondary to us. The main thing is to release a great album before we would actually think of winning any awards. I’m not saying we don’t want any awards, anything like that is a huge bonus.

Your song End Credits featuring Plan B was featured in the soundtrack for the film Harry Brown last year, what did it feel like when you watched the movie and your song was playing in the background?
It was great. Status and I went to the premiere which was good to do, getting my picture taking by the paparazzi was fun. But we really enjoyed watching the film and hearing on of our hits playing, was a true honour. We are in talks with a few movie producers about using our material on a few more pictures. We could get used to this, like Hollywood celebrities. (laughs). We’ll see.

Are you recording any other videos off the back of your new record?
We just have done the video for our new single Blind Faith. It’s out now. We enjoyed doing the video as we love to express our songs. This one is banging by the way. We have a few more before the year is out.

What do you hope to achieve in the next five years?
We just hope to keep on creating our music, sign up some more great new talent to our record label and hope for good health. At this moment in time, I would say that this is the UK is the place to be for music. We have everything here with versatility and quality. The best Drum n Bass artists are here, especially in London, we have an exciting few years ahead of us for sure.

Thanks for talking to us and I hope you get 100% better.
Cheers mate, much appreciated.

You can catch Chase and Status at The Roundhouse on 11th March. For more information go to