New Website for Whistleblowers in Africa
Other | Thursday 15th January 2015 | Osh
When the government or corporations get you down. When you are party to the bullshit that goes down, and you want to make thre world a better place, who are you going to turn to? Wikileaks. Now Africa steps up it's anti-corruption stance with it's very own Afrileaks.
Afrileaks is a secure websirvice that will allow individuals to send information "Without fear of being comprimised or exposed". The service has been developed in partnership with with Italy's Hermes Center for Human Rights and the African, Network of Centers for Investagative Reporting and will connect whistleblowers with media organisations across Africa.
Unlike Wikileaks, Afrileaks will not publish information itself. Let's look forward to finding out if the leaks are anything as exciting and revealing as the Snowdon revelations