We Caught up with 'Chemically Imbalanced' Chris Webby, Connecticut-Born Rapper
RnB/Hip Hop | Wednesday 29th October 2014 | Ollie
Christian Webster (Chris Webby) is an American rapper from Connecticut. Chris has released a multitude of mixtapes and worked alongside artists such as Freeway, Mac Miller and Kid Ink. Webby has his own label Homegrown Music and has also signed a deal with E1 Music. His debut album album Chemically Imbalanced was released on October 27, 2014.
The album's been two years in the process, are you satisfied?
Yes, absolutely man! Beyond the studio work for this album it’s just all the years and the projects and all the learning experience that goes into to being able to make a project like this, you know? I’m a far more experienced MC than I was two years ago!
Now you’ve finished the album are you kicking off any new projects?
The way I work I’ve already started working on the next whether it be a mixtape or whatever the fuck it turns out to be. I just like to keep making music constantly with regards to where I am. But at this point it's going to be really good to get this off my chest as I've had a bit of writers' block recently as I know I have this album in the back pocket. But once this is released I’ll really be able to refresh my brain, think of it as a refresh button on the internet. Just refresh, start from scratch with new ideas and just get a new way of thinking, it will be real nice. I think I'm going to chill for a little bit and go on tour; I think this album will be able to ride me at least into summer. You know how people are nowadays, they have very short attention spans, they need lots and lots of music!
Do you have any feedback from the new album so far?
Feedback's been really good! I made sure to drop a pretty diverse handful of songs. First was the song ‘Fuck off’ which allows me to give a mission statement as to where I am in my career between having people who love me and idolise me and people who despise me for whatever reason, and a large group of people who don’t know who the fuck I am. so that was me being like I get it I realise this is my scenario and heres a song about it. Then I had the ‘Roll a doobie song’, you know, its a weed record, but the same tie its not just like “yeah man just smoking weed” its more like, yo we all go through bullshit in life and for a lot of people, just to sit back and roll a joint that could be the thing that helps us get through the day and it’s not such a bad thing. Then I had ‘Let’s do it again’, that was me really going back in time and re-living this college party life. Thats the single for the album if it even boarders on corny in any way thats how I grew up, we did the keggers, we got down we had a good time! I'm from the suburbs, thats how we hit it! Thats a little peek into my life. And then we dropped ‘Stand up’ which is about cultural awareness, from everything to environmental issues to political corruption and everything in-between. Its like yo man i’m a rapper now and have a voice now and I want to use it for some good aside from all the partying and the fun shit.
The buzz behind the album been must be huge! What have the fan reactions been like?
Yeah! the buzz has been great man, when I look at my socials you can really feel that momentum on twitter and Instagram. Facebook: not as much as it once was. Facebook was the biggest outlook for me at first but now they’ve made it so if you have a fan page you have to pay for all those people to see the posts you make. I myself have over 230 - 240 thousand people on there but when you make a post only sometimes 30 thousand people will see it as you have to pay for all those people to see it which is fucked up for the artists or anyone with a business who has a fan page, it really sucks!
If you were a gladiator, which 3 rappers you would bring on your gladiator fighting team?
I love gladiators! That' s a fucking awesome question, gladiator is my favorite movie, historically I think gladiators are the most badass mofos, more a less in the history of man kind! My team would have to consist of, mannn, you got to think both strength and agility, erm... I’m going to go with David Banner, he’s strong as hell and a good mix of strength and speed on his behalf and I’m going with with Busta Rhymes and T.I. T.I. would be nimble on his feet.
Have you ever entered scribble jam?
I have not, you know I grew up battling and I used to do a lot of on the spot freestyle battles - impromptu things and then only time I ever lost was when it was set up ahead of time and thats why I've learned that I’m not necessarily a battle rapper by any means, because those guys are all business, a different breed of MC. While I can battle and I'm quick on my feet, those guys are verbal gladiators! For people who are in this business recording and making music, it takes you out of that realm and if you're not in that realm 24/7 you wont be able to compete with those dudes because thats all they do and they are fucking good at it!
Who are three people you'd take to a desert island?
Ooooo, man, I'd go for Chris Farley, because god knows that if you're trapped on an island you're going to need someone to make you laugh. I’d bring Bob Marley to get everyone chilled out, you'd be able to have deep conversations which I'm sure we would, he'd be able to keep the vibes right so if anyone got too stressed out about being on this motherfucking island he would get them chilled out. So I would say Chris Farley and Bob Marley... then erm, Mila Kunis. You need a female out there!
I heard you smoked with Chance the Rapper?!
I did yeah! He came to Connecticut and I know his drummer pretty well who used to be in a band from Chicago and they opened for me on tour and his drummer has drummed for me a few times. He is cool as shit! I hung out with him and met Chance and we did that and smoked up! I'm the Connecticut guy. So when people come to Connecticut they call me, if they need bud or just to know where to party I'm the guy. I was in Texas and Schoolboy Q came to town and hit me up and asked for bud and I made it happen all the way from texas and just made a couple of calls!
What does the future hold?
Ermm, it's gunna be interesting and I know one thing and that's that this album is going to take things to the next level and its deffo going to take me to the next stage in my carrier. Theres no way its going to be a baby step, this is the first real album and its going to be in stores and for me thats some crazy shit! I remember as a kid when I used to go and buy physical copies of an album I'd think to myself, "One day I'm going to be in these stores" and after all these years of putting the work in, to be at this point in my career thats fucking crazy! I think that this album is going to do a lot! It’s either going to catapult things to a crazy level or a more manageable level but its going to be dope either way! I'm in this line of work, if get super super super famous it is what it is but I'd be cool somewhere in the middle. Myself personally I know so much more about the industry than I even did 6 months ago. Im a student of the game of music and life and I'm just learning along the way and its been great!
Thanks for speaking to us, G!
Web - http://listentowebby.com
Twitter - https://twitter.com/ChrisWebby