
The Equalizer

Other | Wednesday 8th October 2014 | Luke

Denzel Washington is back with a bang in this action thriller with director Antoine Fuqua. These two were together for Training Day and that remains the best film these two have ever done. Was the reunion as successful?

In short, not really. The Equalizer is an action thriller that really does revolve around the brilliance of Washington's character Robert McCall against the brutality of the Russian Mafia. At times this really does show and there are some very good scenes in the film.

McCall is always one step ahead of his opponents and that is refreshing to see because most of the time the hero is always beaten to a pulp at least once. Not this time, McCall dishes out some real beatings and is the nastiest hero since Jason Bourne.

The plot is based around McCall being a knight in shining armour type character, a character with clear history he goes after the Russian mob after they abuse a young girl he used to spend his evenings with. I have to say that was the biggest mistake of the mobs life!

My favourite part of this film has to be the slow motion take downs that McCall uses to take the mob down in his first real fight scene. It really was a joy to watch.

If you want an action film with a decent plot then I would recommend that you go and see this film. It has plenty of good action within it and the plot is strong enough to keep you interested.

Luke Robertson