
The disclosure of Disclosure on Channel 4 tonight

House | Wednesday 9th July 2014 | Annalisa

Let me guess, how many times you have remoted Disclosure's «Latch » and dragged out “he-e-e-elp me-e-e lose my mi-i-ind” part of another hit while taking a shower, maybe, around a hundred? Tracks by those two talented brothers are loved all over the world, the concert halls where they host their shows are always full and girls are asking their boyfriends to change their hair-do to the way that Guy and Howard wear theirs.  


One may think that life on stage, as well as behind it, is only about posh parties, models, drinks, expensive hotels and other attributes of beautiful fortune. However, the investigation of Annie Mac reveals different facts. Every late Wednesday evening on Channel 4 her Superstar DJs series confirms that the life of world-renowned artists is a permanent fight for tomorrow, fame and love of the audience.


Tonight, Annie will present what life as the most beloved British brothers looks like when there are no spotlights and cameras. So, grab a night snack and turn on Channel 4 at 12 o’clock and meet Guy and Howard as they are!