A Valentine's Day dedicated to the king of lovers: Gregory Isaacs
Reggae | Friday 14th February 2014 | Noam
St Valentine’s day... Under the commercialism, the euphoria and sadness lies simple message of love and kindness. So, for this particular Valentine’s day let us pay a tribute to the supreme lover: Gregory Isaacs, who passed away a few years ago. The king of Lovers’ Rock with the one of the most exquisite, enchanting voices in the history of reggae.
There is no more euphemistic way of describing the talent of this guy. Throwing flowers in the crowd at his gigs. Wearing extravagant but somewhat elegant clothes. Smoking the occasional one in the backstage. Gregory Isaacs was and still remains a role model for so many artists today. With early militant tracks in the late 1970s like Babylon Too Rough to his 1980s classic tunes such as Front Door and (how could we forget) the emblematic Night Nurse . From militancy to romanticism passing through spirituality, Gregory Isaacs was a well-rounded individual and a hell of an artist.
May his soul rest in peace and may his sweet music rock our ears and heart for years to come.
Noam Obermeister