"I’m a person of faith, an artist, a rapper [and] a visionary". NoNameDisciple is a musical talent on her way to the top.
Sunday 22nd July 2018 | Grace
Having grown up in Wales, but with her music now being heard across the whole of the UK, MC, NoNameDisciple, is sure to be one of the biggest talents on the modern music scene. As well as recently being played on BBC 1Xtra, NoNameDiciple has also collaborated with film maker Onismo "Nizmo" Muhlanga to create a genuinely fascinating and representative video to go alongside her double released singles “Millennial” and “Godfidence”.
Tell us about yourself?
I always find that question hard to answer without rambling on. In short, I’m a person of faith, an artist, a rapper, a visionary and theology graduate.
How would you describe yourself in 3 words?
Spiritual, faithful, fearless
What was it like growing up in Cardiff?
I lived on the outskirts of Cardiff in the mountains but I spent the majority of my time in the city. It was very quiet and at the time, there wasn't much going on in terms of anything really. With it being a small city as well, everyone knew everyone and that included their business!
How did you get into becoming an MC?
I started writing poetry as a younger, to deal with anger issues and pain I often misplaced and misued; through development and just a change of method, I decided to apply my written pieces to beats and before you know it, I started crafting out tracks but it wasn't until I met VallyVand, that I started to record in a studio and actually work on and develop my own tracks.
Tell us about your double single "Millennial" and "Godfidence"? Why did you decide to release a double track?
Not many people are aware that both "Millennial" and "Godfidence" are two separate tracks. I wrote them within days of each other but didn't intend on fixing up them together. I remember listening to "Millennial" and "Godfidence" started playing straight after; when I heard them one after the other I was like yeah, I need to link them up. Both tracks are referencing similar subject matters but with a different emphasis - "Millennial" addressed the state of my generation through my outlook and "Godfidence" added my personal struggle within this generation as well as how I intend to battle it. I often present a problem and attempt to present a solution by the time a track or project is finished.
What is it that influences your lyrics?
It sounds far-fetched but I get influence by my soul - whatever pain or spiritual growth I'm experiencing, I tend to write about. It's a sad but freeing truth that I can only write when I've been through a season of darkness.
How did you get the idea for the film that you made "A Millennial's Godfidence" ?
When I was listening to both songs, the entire video idea came into my mind. It's as if I saw the whole thing, I remember picturing it and just writing every scene down to the second. I'm a great believer in artistry and presenting something powerful, so I took time in prayer before allowing myself to actively think about what I wanted to present. Although, admittedly I didn't have to think much because the idea felt like it was already in my mind.
What was it like working with Onismo "Nizmo" Muhlanga as a director?
Nizmo’s my day one so working with him is like working with family, he just gets the vision I come with no matter what it is and he runs with it. The guy’s work ethic is a madness and his skills are crazy, so just seeing what he does with the ideas I present to him is always exciting.
"Godfidence" has obvious religious connotations to it. Does religion play a big part in what you do?
I wouldn’t use the word religion per say. I personally believe religion is a tool to control and indoctrinate people. I would say there are obvious spiritual connotations though within "Godfidence" for sure. Spirituality and faith plays a huge part in what I do and my everyday.
You have spoken about how millennials are always distracted and don't communicate enough. What can we do to counteract this?
I think technology is the problem. Minimising the use of technology, I’m sure will minimise distraction, it gives us chance to look at the world through our eyes and not a screen. Promoting the idea of faith, self- education, agriculture, psychology and experiencing life in it's full form is very important from where I'm standing.
Tell us about the moment you first heard your music being played on BBC 1Xtra?
It was such a mad feeling. I had just gotten home from work and put the radio on so I could hear it being played (I knew what time the track was being played kinda) and the minute it was, my breddrin called me and shouted down the phone ‘yooooo it’s you on 1Xtra’ and I got a bag of messages on my phone too. I was gassed.
What do you bring that makes you special?
Faith, truth, honesty, transparency and a lack of interest in stardom or wealth
What's your survival guide to life?
Praying, belief, discipline, self-education, resting, eating in balance, experiencing, exploring and remaining joyful. Rinse and repeat.
If you could have 3 wishes, what would they be?
1) I wish Eve didn't bite the fruit.
2) I would wish for the people at the top (the governing powers) all over the world, to be replaced with people with pure and genuine intentions who aren’t following dark agendas.
3) I would wish for all minds to be awakened to the state of the world and their ability to create change.
What have you got up and coming for the forseeable future?
I’m working on a new tape, two new visual videos and some track collaborations with some of my heroes!
To catch on more of the music and work of NoNameDisciple, head to her Facebook, Instagram or Twitter. Or, you can listen to her on Soundcloud here.